Adolescent Confidentiality Policy Please review our office policy about privacy and confidentiality with your child aged 13 and over.
Adolescent Transition Information Please review this packet if you are a patient aged 18-22 thinking of transitioning to an adult health care provider.
Financial Policy Please review our office’s financial policy prior to your first visit at Commonwealth Pediatrics; you will be asked to sign stating you’ve reviewed it.
Immunization Policy Please review our office’s policy around immunizations/vaccines.
Authorized Representative Form Please review and sign this form if you need someone other than a parent or legal guardian to bring your child to an office visit.
Insurance Waiver Please review and sign this form if your insurance is inactive on the day of your appointment.
New Patient Registration Form Please complete and sign this form if you are registering as a new patient with Commonwealth Pediatrics.
Notice of Privacy Practices/HIPAA Please review our office’s privacy practices prior to your first visit at Commonwealth Pediatrics; you will be asked to sign stating you’ve reviewed it.